
(2023). Improving the Perception of Mid-Air Tactile Shapes With Spatio-Temporally-Modulated Tactile Pointers. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception.

Cite Video DOI HAL

(2023). Can We Increase the Perceived Intensity of Mid-Air Haptic Shapes Rendered With Dynamic Tactile Pointers?. IEEE World Haptics Conference (Work-in-Progress paper).

Cite Poster HAL

(2023). Ultrasound Mid-Air Haptics for Hand Guidance in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Haptics.

Cite Video DOI HAL Supplementary material

(2021). Dolphin: A framework for the design and perceptual evaluation of ultrasound mid-air haptic stimuli. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2021.

Cite Code Video DOI HAL

(2021). Curvature discrimination for dynamic ultrasound mid-air haptic stimuli. IEEE World Haptics Conference (Work-in-Progress paper).

Cite Poster DOI HAL